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Barnsdall Ok Directions

Barnsdall, Oklahoma: A Guide for Travelers

Location and Access

Barnsdall is an incorporated community in eastern Osage County, Oklahoma. It is strategically located: * 17 miles southeast of Pawhuska, the county seat * 40 miles from Tulsa, Oklahoma's second-largest city

Directions from Pawhuska

* Drive south on OK State Highway 11 * Turn right (east) on OK State Highway 11 * Continue through Hominy, Oklahoma * Barnsdall is approximately 7 miles ahead

Map and Distance Calculator

* Use our interactive map for driving directions from any location * Calculate the distance and estimated driving time to Barnsdall

Local Amenities

Barnsdall offers a range of amenities for visitors: * Hotels and motels for accommodations * Restaurants for dining options * Public library for research and relaxation * Driving directions can be obtained through Google Maps or other mapping services.


Barnsdall is an accessible and convenient destination for travelers. Its proximity to Tulsa and Pawhuska makes it an ideal base for exploring Osage County. With its affordable accommodations, dining options, and local attractions, Barnsdall offers a memorable experience for visitors seeking a charming and historic Oklahoma town.
