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Constitutional Court

The Supreme Court and Constitutional Law

Overview of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and is responsible for interpreting and applying the Constitution. Its main authority is to rule on the constitutionality of laws and government actions. The Court's decisions are binding on all other courts and government agencies, and can only be overturned through a constitutional amendment or a new ruling by the Court.

Establishment and Structure

The Supreme Court was established by Article III of the Constitution, which created the federal judiciary. The Court is composed of nine justices, who are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Chief Justice serves as the head of the Court and presides over its sessions.

Constitutional Interpretation

The most common source of constitutional meaning is the Supreme Court's prior decisions on constitutional issues. These decisions establish precedents that guide future rulings on similar cases. Other sources of constitutional interpretation include the text of the Constitution, historical evidence, and the views of legal scholars.

Methods of Interpretation

The Supreme Court uses various methods to interpret the Constitution, including: * Textualism: Focusing on the plain meaning of the constitutional text. * Originalism: Interpreting the Constitution based on the understanding of the framers who wrote it. * Purposivism: Interpreting the Constitution based on its underlying purpose.

Judicial Review

The Supreme Court has the power to review the constitutionality of laws and government actions. This power is known as judicial review and allows the Court to strike down laws that it finds to be unconstitutional. Judicial review is a key part of the system of checks and balances in the U.S. government.


The Supreme Court plays a vital role in interpreting and enforcing the Constitution. Its decisions have a profound impact on the lives of all Americans. Understanding the Court's role and methods of interpretation is essential for anyone who seeks to understand the U.S. legal system.
